
A tale about a giraffe...

A tale about a giraffe...

Meet Twinka. Named by our amazing housekeeper, Dollah - who got a front-row seat to the painstakingly lengthy development of this massive thing in our living room. She couldn’t think...

A tale about a giraffe...

Meet Twinka. Named by our amazing housekeeper, Dollah - who got a front-row seat to the painstakingly lengthy development of this massive thing in our living room. She couldn’t think...

The seven year blunder: Sending a parcel to the WRONG CLIENT!

The seven year blunder: Sending a parcel to the...

In the seven years since I opened my business, I have never, ever sent a parcel to the wrong client. Until now. I guess I should have been prepared for...

The seven year blunder: Sending a parcel to the...

In the seven years since I opened my business, I have never, ever sent a parcel to the wrong client. Until now. I guess I should have been prepared for...

Even (fake) Redwoods need a break

Even (fake) Redwoods need a break

It’s time for The Happy Struggling Artist to take a much-needed break (before the Struggling starts to outweigh the Happy)! I’ll be out of the studio and away from my...

Even (fake) Redwoods need a break

It’s time for The Happy Struggling Artist to take a much-needed break (before the Struggling starts to outweigh the Happy)! I’ll be out of the studio and away from my...

Sexy sugarbirds in swift time lapse

Sexy sugarbirds in swift time lapse

Super swift is super sexy! Watch the entire process of the creation of my Cape Sugarbirds in time lapse -- four months of work, compressed into a mere minute and...

Sexy sugarbirds in swift time lapse

Super swift is super sexy! Watch the entire process of the creation of my Cape Sugarbirds in time lapse -- four months of work, compressed into a mere minute and...

Next on the easel: Jovial leopards

Next on the easel: Jovial leopards

Apart from finishing up Rebecca's very special portrait, I'm also jumping into my next wildlife piece. I'm still soldiering ahead under the exciting theme of "Move!" - a dynamic collection...

Next on the easel: Jovial leopards

Apart from finishing up Rebecca's very special portrait, I'm also jumping into my next wildlife piece. I'm still soldiering ahead under the exciting theme of "Move!" - a dynamic collection...

portrait of a woman by the happy struggling artist

Sneak peek: Painting a Woman of Worth

In January this year, I received a phone call from Alani Nel, a friend and fellow artist. Alani runs Canvasations, a non-profit aimed at creating a platform through art that opens...

Sneak peek: Painting a Woman of Worth

In January this year, I received a phone call from Alani Nel, a friend and fellow artist. Alani runs Canvasations, a non-profit aimed at creating a platform through art that opens...