duelling sugarbirds painting by the happy struggling artist

Slow-mo progress on the duelling due

In case you missed it, I recently shared the back-story on the reference photo of a pair of mesmerising Cape Sugarbirds - poised above proteas. This piece is now on my easel!

As you can see above, I’ve made slow but steady progress on this super-realistic watercolour piece. Very slow, actually… Since we’re preparing for our debut at Cape Town Decorex, I’ve had to juggle my birds with other, equally important, top secret things

Along with less painting time, my slow progress is also due to simple math (that even I can do!):

1 sugarbird + 1 protea = 1 super time-sensitive painting
2 sugarbirds + 2 proteas = DOUBLE-TROUBLE!!!

I’m hoping that this will also eventually add up to DOUBLE DIVINE!!!

So far, it has been a pleasure working on this. The bird on the left is pretty much done and the bird on the right is about halfway-ish (that wing keeps me up at night…!). I’m now thinking that I probably should have alternated working on the birds and proteas, but alas, hindsight is 20/20…

Anyway, enough procrastinating by chatting to you. BACK TO WORK! ;)


Visit my online store to see some of my photo-realistic wildlife artwork that I've actually finished:


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