portrait of a woman by the happy struggling artist

Sneak peek: Painting a Woman of Worth

In January this year, I received a phone call from Alani Nel, a friend and fellow artist. Alani runs Canvasations, a non-profit aimed at creating a platform through art that opens conversations to uplift and inspire. Every year, she paints 12 original portraits of 12 real women. "The Women of Worth (WOW) Art exhibition is held annually in August to honour, bless and celebrate ordinary women for just being who they are, where they are." How spectacular is that?! This year, she felt called upon to encourage other women to join the movement and paint with her!

I was very hesitant to join in... After all, it has literally been decades since I last drew a human (more on this backstory next time - it's quite scandalous!). I set my fears aside and decided to just... JUMP IN! On one small condition: I wanted to nominate the woman that I was going to paint: Rebecca. All throughout my childhood, she was my parents' housekeeper, and she had a profound impact on me. 

Along with having to wait until next month to see the final artwork, you'll also have to wait to hear more about the very special inspiration and creation process too. But what I will say is this: Although it may be far less technical than my usual wildlife work, it is the most personal and emotional artwork that I've ever created....

Oooh, don't you just love a cliffhanger! ;)
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