Thank you-hoo-hoo for helping the owls!

Thank you-hoo-hoo for helping the owls!

For the past few years, I’ve been part of an amazing outreach program called The One Percent Movement. Two of the biggest learnings that this experience has gifted me is this:

  1. There is no such thing as a donation that is too small - every drop helps to fill the bucket!
  2. It’s important to start out the way that you mean to continue. We do what we can with what we have now, even if that’s just one percent. One percent of your income; one percent of your time... You’d be surprised to see how quickly it adds up when many people give just one percent!

So, every November when Black Friday rolls around - not my favourite tradition (for lack of a better term) - I focus on helping to fill someone’s bucket. Yes, I offer a sale in my online store. Let’s face it - it has become the expected norm (and I do like rewarding my loyal supporters!). But, I’ve also decided to turn it into an opportunity to do good:

Every November, shoppers save 10% in my online shop and I donate a further 10% to a worthy non-profit. This year, I supported The Owl Orphanage in Velddrif. This incredible team rescues, rehabilitates and (if possible) releases birds of prey, Blue Cranes and a variety of other critters in need.

My heartfelt thanks to everyone that supported my annual Giving Back is the New Black sale! Together, we raised R1353 in November! THANK YOU-HOO-HOO for helping the owls!

Make sure to follow The Owl Orphanage on Facebook! And if you have just one percent to give, why not donate to this worthy cause:


owl orphanage velddrif wildlife rehab centre

If you would like to nominate an NPO for me to support next year, please reach out!!⁠

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