2022 in review: UN-ing like Indiana Jones

2022 in review: UN-ing like Indiana Jones

December... We made it!!

I'm not sure what happened to November. Or October for that matter... And September went by in the blink of an eye... Did June and July happen this year........?

Let me put it this way: 2022 whipped my but!

In fact, most of the time I felt like I was Indiana Jones in that scene where he gets flung off of an army tank, but he somehow gets caught on the side and is then dragged alongside the tank, and the driver knows he’s there and is purposefully driving into the rough hillside to squash him. And then the tank drives off a cliff.....…

Yes, yes, he does manage to free himself and yes, yes, he doesn’t go down with the tank. But he’s really battered and bruised and it was a hell of a ride, okay?!

I feel all Indiana Jones, without the impressive whip and the suave hat. And I’ve been dragged around by the mean-tank-that-was-2022…

Apart from not reaching various goals that I set for myself, I feel like I didn’t at all live my word of the year, which was UNLEASH. In big, fat, capital letters, no less! I didn’t UNLEASH at all! Just UN-ed, maybe…

And as I read my perky little blog post about my 2022 word of the year, a certain sentence jumps right out at me: “Life throws us unexpected curveballs all the time, smashing our carefully constructed plans to smithereens, and that's okay!”

Thank you, me, for writing that. And for still believing that now.

It’s okay that things didn’t all go to plan. It’s okay that sometimes I felt completely derailed. And it’s okay to just let the pieces lie there for a while, because you’re not ready to pick them up and start again.

Eventually, Ready will come. And with it, an opportunity to regroup, reevaluate and reimagine.

Reimagine… That’s a great word! Perhaps my word of the year for 2023?


Image credit: Indiana Jones, Last Crusade, 1989, Paramount Movies

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