I often jest that my South African Animal Alphabet is better travelled than I am. Jokes aside, I find it incredibly heart-warming to think that my work might inspire kids from all over the world, not only to read, but also to fall in love with wildlife.
According to this insightful article by Nal’ibali, an award-winning national reading-for-enjoyment campaign, 78% of Grade Four learners in South Africa cannot read for basic meaning in any national language. This alarming statistic means an unavoidable negative affect on the country's long-term socio-economic wellbeing. It could lead to an entire generation lacking the basic skills to escape a life of poverty, and in turn, the inability to pass along literacy to their own children.
This fact alone (along with popular demand!) was enough inspiration to add a new addition to my growing SA Animal Alphabet line. The awesome Teacher's Pack: The entire South African Animal Alphabet in 26 individual A4 letters. Perfect for classrooms or spacious play rooms.
In celebration of the vocation that is teaching, in the hopes to empower educators to pass on the gift of literacy, and - full disclaimer - thanks to the cost-saving magic of selling in bulk!), I am super pleased to be able to offer the Teacher's Pack at a hugely discounted rate. While the individual alphabet letters are R250 each, the Teacher's Pack works out to to only R123 each - that's more than a 50% discount!
Here's to nurturing a global love for reading and wildlife!
The SA Animal Alphabet Teacher's Pack is the perfect addition to your classroom or playroom!