Pre-order "Kitty"


Pre-order my African Wildcat

watercolour painting of african wildcat by the happy struggling artist
  • stack of money


    Yup, 'tis that sucky time when I have to put on my Big Girl Pants, make peace with the fact that life (and running a business) gets more expensive every...


    Yup, 'tis that sucky time when I have to put on my Big Girl Pants, make peace with the fact that life (and running a business) gets more expensive every...

  • New Animal Alphabet products for the young-at-heart!

    New Animal Alphabet products for the young-at-h...

    Many moons ago, when I just finished the development of my South African Animal Alphabet and started selling it to the public, a lady ordered a poster for her grandchildren....

    New Animal Alphabet products for the young-at-h...

    Many moons ago, when I just finished the development of my South African Animal Alphabet and started selling it to the public, a lady ordered a poster for her grandchildren....

  • And the theme for my 2026 wildlife calendar is...

    And the theme for my 2026 wildlife calendar is...

    "Feathered Friends"! Yup, I'll be painting birds, birds, birds this year, and twelve of these artworks (both old and new) will feature in next year's calendar.I am indescribably excited about...

    And the theme for my 2026 wildlife calendar is...

    "Feathered Friends"! Yup, I'll be painting birds, birds, birds this year, and twelve of these artworks (both old and new) will feature in next year's calendar.I am indescribably excited about...

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